Qcells Q.TRON BLK M-G2+ & MORE
8MSolar & Qcells Solar Panels Are Here To
Change The Way North Carolina Goes Solar
Q.TRON is Qcells’ newest solar panel, using advanced Q.ANTUM NEO Technology. It offers high efficiency, reaching up to 22%, and can produce up to 430 watts of power, making it ideal for small spaces. The panel comes with a 25-year warranty that ensures at least 90.58% of its original power output for 25 years. Assembled in the USA, Q.TRON promises top-notch quality and reliability.
8MSolar recommends Q.TRON to anyone who is looking for peak solar efficiency.
8MSolar carries several different solar panel brands and Qcells is one of our favorites. The efficiency and warranty options offered by Qcells are tough to beat. Talk with one of our solar specialists to get all of the details.
Qcells For All Of Your Solar Needs
Qcells’ strong heritage in quality and innovation, they consistently push the boundaries of clean energy technology, just like we do at 8MSolar.
8MSolar’s work with Qcells allows us to provide you with the best solar panels possible, at the lowest price possible in North Carolina.
You can count on at least 98.5% of nominal power during the first year. Each year after there is a maximum of 0.33% degradation per year. And a guarantee of at least 90.58% of nominal power up to 25 years.
Proudly assembled in the USA, Q.TRON delivers exceptional quality and dependability that you can rely on.
Qcells has taken decades of innovation and poured it into all of its solar panels not just for customer satisfaction but because it is the right thing to do for the planet.
Currently the most efficient panels on the market, Qcells uses Q.ANTUM NEO Technology with optimized module layout boosts module efficiency up to 22.0%.
Qcells QTron panels are a premium Tier 1 panel and come at a premium price. However, since 8MSolar is the #1 residential, commercial, and government solar installer in NC, we can offer these premium panels at the best price possible.
Product Warranty
25 years Q.TRON BLK M-G2+
Performance Warranty
25 years
At least 98.5% of nominal power during first year. Thereafter max. 0.33% degradation per year. At least 90.58% of nominal power up to 25 years.
8MSolar is the highest rated solar panel installation company in North Carolina. We help install solar energy in North Carolina for homes, businesses and non-profits. We focus on installing Solar PV panel systems that are cutting edge, beautiful and reliable.
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